Sabtu, 2 Februari 2013

Teori Spontaneous Human Combustion (SHC) : Mati Terbakar Dengan Sendiri

"2 Feb 2013 kita digemparkan dengan berita seorang wanita diterengganu mati terbakar. Yang peliknya, tiada tanda-tanda berlakunya jenayah dan kemalangan.

Teori SHC (Spontaneous Human Combustion)

"Spontaneous Human Combustion" atau "SCH" ada lah antara misteri kompleks dalam dunia forensik yang masih belum dirungkai. Ia masih kekal satu misteri, dan setakat yang saya tahu, tiada doktor atau ahli forensik akan menulis punca kematian mangsa sebagai "Spontaneous Human Combustion".

Istilah "Spontaneous Human Combustion" sebenarnya berasal dari satu kajian yang di buat di Perancis pada 1673, iaitu ""De Incendiis Corporis Humani Spontaneis." Fenomena ini rupanya telah diketahui sejak beratus tahun dahulu.

Antara penjelasan yang paling popular yang diberikan adalah "teori sumbu lilin" (wick effect). Teori ini menegaskan bahawa pakaian dan rambut manusia bertindak sebagai sumbu dan lemak tubuh manusia pula sebagai lilin. Haba dari kebakaran menyebabkan pakaian dibasahi cairan lemak mengakibatkan kebakaran berterusan dari luar ke dalam. Sebagai mana sumbu terus membakar lilin.

Manakala teori "temperature gradient" (perbezaa suhu) pula digunakan untuk menerangkan kenapa dalam kebanyakan kes, bahagian kaki (lower extremities) tidak terbakar. Dalam keadaan duduk bahagian bawah tubuh manusia adalah lebih sejuk dari bahagian atas. Sebab itu bila menyalakan mancis anda perlu menterbalikkannya supaya ia kekal terbakar, untuk memastikan haba mengalir ke atas.

Tetapi ini tidak menjelaskan kenapa kebakaran itu berlaku. Apa yang bertidak sebagai "penjana" kebakaran? Untuk kebakaran bermula, diperlukan satu punca haba yang tinggi. Umum diketahui bahawa kertas lebih jauh mudah terbakar dari tubuh manusia, dan untuk membakar kertas memerlukan 230 darjah Celsius (suhu takat didih adalah 100 darjah Celsius).

Setakat yang diketahui dalam ilmu sains fisiologi dan biokimia tubuh manusia, jasad manusia tidak berkemampuan untuk menjana suhu setinggi itu.

Sebenarnya, tidak semua mangsa SHC meninggal dunia, ada segelintir yang berjaya menyelamatkan diri. Dari laporan dan cerita mereka, kebakaran berlaku secara tiba-tiba tanpa sumber "ignition" luaran. Tiba-tiba sahaja tubuh mereka terbakar atau mengeluarkan asap.


On April 9, 1744, Grace Pett, 60, an alcoholic residing in Ipswich England, was found on the floor by her daughter like "a log of wood consumed by a fire, without apparent flame." Nearby clothing was undamaged.

In the 1800's is evidenced in the number of writers that called on it for a dramatic death scene. Most of these authors were hacks that worked on the 19th century equivalent of comic books, "penny dreadfuls", so no one got too worked up about it; but two big names in the literary world also used SHC as a dramatic device, and one did cause a stir.

The first of these two authors was Captain Marryat who, in his novel Jacob Faithful, borrowed details from a report in the Times of London of 1832 to describe the death of his lead character's mother, who is reduced to "a sort of unctuous pitchey cinder."

Twenty years later, in 1852, Charles Dickens used Spontaneous Human Combustion to kill off a character named Krook in his novel Bleak House. Krook was a heavy alcoholic, true to the popular belief at the time that SHC was caused by excessive drinking. The novel caused a minor uproar; George Henry Lewes, philosopher and critic, declared that SHC was impossible, and derided Dickens' work as perpetuating a uneducated superstition. Dickens responded to this statement in the preface of the 2nd edition of his work, making it quite clear that he had researched the subject and knew of about thirty cases of SHC. The details of Krook's death in Bleak House were directly modeled on the details of the death of the Countess Cornelia de Bandi Cesenate by this extraordinary means; the only other case that Dickens actually cites details from is the Nicole Millet account that inspired Dupont's book about 100 years earlier. book about 100 years earlier.

In 1951, the Mary Reeser case recaptured the public interest in Spontaneous Human Combustion. Mrs. Reeser, 67, was found in her apartment on the morning of July 2, 1951, reduced to a pile of ashes, a skull, and a completely undamaged left foot. This event has become the foundation for many a book on the subject of SHC since, the most notable being Michael Harrison's Fire From Heaven, printed in 1976. Fire From Heaven has become the standard reference work on Spontaneous Human Combustion.

On May 18, 1957, Anna Martin, 68, of West Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, was found incinerated, leaving only her shoes and a portion of her torso. The medical examiner estimated that temperatures must have reached 1,700 to 2,000 degrees, yet newspapers two feet away were found intact.

On December 5, 1966, the ashes of Dr. J. Irving Bentley, 92, of Coudersport, Pennsylvania, were discovered by a meter reader. Dr. Bentley's body apparently ignited while he was in the bathroom and burned a 2-1/2-by-3-foot hole through the flooring, with only a portion of one leg remaining intact. Nearby paint was unscorched.

July 1, 1951 -- Perhaps the most famous case occurred in St. Petersburg, Florida. Mary Hardy Reeser, a 67-year-old widow, spontaneously combusted while sitting in her easy chair. The next morning, her next door neighbor tried the doorknob, found it hot to the touch and went for help. She returned to find Mrs. Reeser, or what was left of her, in a blackened circle four feet in diameter. All that remained of the 175-pound woman and her chair was a few blackened seat springs, a section of her backbone, a shrunken skull the size of a baseball, and one foot encased in a black stain slipper just beyond the four-foot circle. Plus about 10 pounds of ashes. The police report declared that Mrs. Reeser went up in smoke when her highly flammable rayon-acetate nightgown caught fire, perhaps because of a dropped cigarette. But one medical examiner stated that the 3,000-degree heat required to destroy the body should have destroyed the apartment as well. In fact, damage was minimal - the ceiling and upper walls were covered with soot. No chemical accelerants, incidentally, were found.

In 1944 Peter Jones, survived this experience and reported that there was no sensation of heat nor sighting of flames. He just saw smoke. He stated that he felt no pain.

sumber: tranungkite

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